Bandiere ITA

I prodotti vengono certificati dal nostro laboratorio interno, provvisto di dinamometro, raggi X, couloscope, microscopio, per verificare l’idoneità del materiale prodotto: resistenza, deposito di materiale, superficie.
Viene rilasciato il certificato di analisi chimica e meccanica per singolo lotto.

   image001                    metallurgica rusconi politica qualita

  Certificazione ISO 9001:2015 

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  Politica per la Qualità

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Bandiere ING

METAL RUSCONI was founded in 1900 by Gabriele Rusconi.
The company was located in Rancio, a borough located in the Gerenzone River valley in the city of Lecco. The factory was situated on the river bank to benefit from the strong current to drive the machines for the production of wire, nails, metal nets made from wire rods, and other finished wire products.

      Certificato 9001 EN                      metallurgica rusconi quality policy

  Certificate ISO 9001:2015 

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  Quality Policy

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Bandiere TED

Die Produkte werden von unserem Labor zertifiziert, das mit Festigkeitsmesser, Röntgenapparat, Couloscope und Mikroskop ausgerüstet ist und die Eignung folgender Werte überprüft: Festigkeit, Oberfläche, Materialablagerungen.
Es wird für jede Charge ein Zertifikat mit chemischer und mechanischer Analyse ausgestellt.

